Change happens block by block. Providing access to communities that have been disadvantaged by policy and legislation is the primary factor and methodology to create pathways for advancement. 

Macedonia Community Development Corporation (MCDC)

Change happens block by block. Providing access to communities that have been disadvantaged by policy and legislation is the primary factor and methodology to create pathways for advancement. 

Building an enhanced development model that is inclusive of all citizens in underserved communities is key to creating lasting change. Our model is an integrative approach whereby access, education and training are made available to those in need. We specialize in offering direct support with capital, technical assistance, healthcare, life management, credit education and management, entrepreneurship training, and affordable housing for single mothers, veterans, and millennials.  


Customized strategy // Policy engagement // Corporate integration



Business Consulting

Understanding economic injustice causes all citizens to recognize racial injustice. Poverty magnifies tension. Most of the difficulties our inner cities face is centered around economic disparities. This creates a generational curse of physiological bondage that can only be broken by creating alliances to acquire resources and access necessary to transform people’s lives. 

Empowering community leaders to rise above the minutiae of what bogs down systems and blocks efforts for advancement is critical to transformation. It is necessary to recreate the strategies that leaders have attempted to implement for generations to truly revitalize communities. Infrastructure is not partisan. Leadership must understand how to develop and implement effective, new strategies to create lasting change.  



Enhance and broaden leadership scope // LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT // Nuanced development assessment // Expand community representation.



FAITH Consulting


Being an accepting, loving and inspiring congregation is one that involves a ministry of discipleship, mission and transforming the soul of the community.  Outreach and evangelism are the foundation for building and strengthening our communities and are aligned tightly with their development. Creating an inclusive environment where marginalized community members have security and trust in their faith leadership allows for holistic growth and impactful community development.  Households of faith must partner in transforming the community through preaching, teaching, evangelism, discipleship and social justice ministries. 


Inclusive faith leadership // Community building through ministry // THE Intersection of faith and public policy


Outreach and evangelism are the foundation for building and strengthening our communities